Spring Todo List for Mountain Gardeners

Spring Todo List for Mountain Gardeners

I woke up to another 3 inches of wet, heavy snow today. Regardless of the continued snowy precipitation, there is still a feeling of Spring in the air. The Spring equinox has come and gone, and while the large snowbanks on my gardens will take some more time to fully...
Small Space Garden Design

Small Space Garden Design

It is not uncommon to have a small space to work with when creating your dream garden. More often than not, living in the mountains and high country requires sacrificing some outdoor space when purchasing or renting a home. With abundant outdoor space around you for...
Sustainability in the Landscape and Garden

Sustainability in the Landscape and Garden

Since 2011 Mountain Roots has been practicing Sustainable methods in our landscape and business models. With the continued evidence of climate change – increasing temperatures and drought conditions – it is imperative that we all make small changes for future...
Best Blooms of 2022

Best Blooms of 2022

One of my favorite things about nature and horticulture is the change from year to year. This past season, we warmly welcomed more rainfall and moisture than we had seen in years. Not only were the drought stressed areas of the mountains given a chance to recover, but...
A Journey through Four Seasons (2021)

A Journey through Four Seasons (2021)

There is a magical feeling when the snow begins to dissipate and the signs of Spring begin to emerge.  While each year is different, the songs of birds and changing colors are telling signs of the change of seasons.  Yellow and white versions of daffodils brighten up...