There is a magical feeling when the snow begins to dissipate and the signs of Spring begin to emerge. While each year is different, the songs of birds and changing colors are telling signs of the change of seasons. Yellow and white versions of daffodils brighten up the landscape and bring light to the atmosphere.
The early bloomers begin the life cycle of the garden season, quickly turning into Columbines, and Lupines as the Spring season comes to an end. Native versions of both flowers can be seen all around the high country sprinkled around hiking trails and endless wildflower fields.
Summer flowers soon take over the spotlight, showcasing various colors of Delphinium, Poppies, Catmint and Peonies. These focal flowers demand attention from all and are hard to miss, often brightly colored and covered in bees and other pollinators.
As the days begin to shorten and temperatures begin to drop, the Fall bloomers give us one more final display of floral beauty. The hues of white, orange, yellow, red and burgundy blooms mark the grand finale of the growing season. Also different each season, these botanic closers grace us until the snow takes over and pushes each plant into dormancy, forcing slumber until the next cycle begins again.
Join us through a journey of four seasons. Can you spot your garden?