The thought of cutting costs at home and growing your own organic produce for your family can sound very enticing. The reality however is not so glamorous. Start-up costs, space for your garden, and physical labor to build and maintain your garden can be overwhelming to fit into your regular schedule. At Mountain Roots we understand that work, children, spouses, and pets are just a few priorities that take up your time. Last Spring, we got a group together at the Mountain Roots growing area for the inaugural Lady Garden Club, a CSA- (Community Shared Agriculture) style vegetable garden.
Together with neighbors or friends choose the best location for your shared garden. Share the cost of supplies and start-up costs. Think about sun exposure, access to water, and accessibility to the garden by members at any time. Use containers or raised beds when necessary. I’ve seen some great container gardens on decks or is small spaces.


Building your garden, prepping your soil, planting, and maintenance of your garden is a lot of work! It can often seem like a full-time job – which is hard to balance with your regular schedule. Once your garden is planted, members can stop by any time and help with maintenance. Sharing this work with your neighbors and friends will drastically decrease the time commitment necessary.
After giving your garden some time to grow, members have access to fresh produce when needed. Dinner plans can be based on what is in season and ready to pick. Share your recipes and cook together when possible!
The Lady Garden Club is a fun way to get together with friends and create healthy habits. Many members had never planted any vegetables before. Each month we got together for wine and gossip. But we also chatted about:
garden prep and planting
– weeding, feeding, and maintenance tips
– harvest tips and recipes
– winterization of the garden

This season you can follow along with Mountain Roots on the blog for monthly advice for your own CSA-style garden.